This mecha info has been taken from Animerica Magazine. And they took it from the official Sunrise art books and the Bandai model kit manuals. The numbers listed next to each aspect stand for 'Ability Level' unlike the other Gundam shows which just gave rather meaningless data on parts of the gundams and mobile suits.
Figthing Level: 130
Weapons Level: 140
Armor Level: 130
Speed Level: 150
Power Level: 120
Fighting Level: 140
Weapons Level: 120
Armor Level: 120
Speed Level: 160
Power Level: 120
Fighting Level: 110
Weapons Level: 160
Armor Level: 140
Speed Level: 110
Power Level: 140
Fighting Level: 120
Weapons Level: 120
Armor Level: 160
Speed Level: 110
Power Level: 150
Fighting Level: 160
Weapons Level: 110
Armor Level: 120
Speed Level: 130
Power Level: 140
Fighting Level: 100
Weapons Level: 110
Armor Level: 120
Speed Level: 150
Power Level: 130
Level: 110
Weapons Level: 110
Armor Level: 100
Speed Level: 100
Power Level: 100
Fighting Level: 100
Weapons Level: 110
Armor Level: 90
Speed Level: 110
Power Level: 90
Fighting Level: 90
Weapons Level: 100
Armor Level: 100
Speed Level: 110
Power Level: 110
Fighting Level: 100
Weapons Level: 100
Armor Level: 100
Speed Level: 100
Power Level: 100
Fighting Level: 90
Weapons Level: 110
Armor Level: 100
Speed Level: 100
Power Level: 100
Fighting Level: 100
Weapons Level: 110
Armor Level: 110
Speed Level: 125
Power Level: 110
Fighting Level: 90
Weapons Level: 110
Armor Level: 110
Speed Level: 110
Power Level: 110
And in the End....
Best Fighting Gundam: Shenlong
Gundam with Best Arsenal: Heavyarms (duh)
Gundam with the Best Armor: Sandrock
Speediest Gundam: Deathscythe
Most Powerful Gundam: Sandrock
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